Word Cloud of ATS Rejection Emails

During my job search I have applied for lots of positions online, usually in a web form that is part of a company’s application tracking system. These systems send an automatic email when you apply. And typically at some point, whether it’s automatically through some algorithm or when a human presses a button, I’ll get a form email notifying me that I am no longer being considered for the position. I have put all these emails into their own folder within gmail. I wanted to make a word cloud (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tag_cloud) of the words in these emails. There are three high-level steps to create this:

  1. Extract the emails from the folder to an mbox file via Google Takeout
  2. Convert the mbox file to csv via an open source mail management program called Mozilla Thunderbird
  3. Put the csv through a python script that creates a word cloud