During my job search I have applied for lots of positions online, usually in a web form that is part of a company’s application tracking system. These systems send an automatic email when you apply. And typically at some point, whether it’s automatically through some algorithm or when a human presses a button, I’ll get a form email notifying me that I am no longer being considered for the position. I have put all these emails into their own folder within gmail. I wanted to make a word cloud (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tag_cloud) of the words in these emails. There are three high-level steps to create this:
- Extract the emails from the folder to an mbox file via Google Takeout
- Convert the mbox file to csv via an open source mail management program called Mozilla Thunderbird
- These first two steps I learned from this youtube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aWngBWctEC8
- Put the csv through a python script that creates a word cloud
- Followed this Data Camp tutorial https://www.datacamp.com/tutorial/wordcloud-python